5 Ways to Control Your Excessive Sweating

by Milton Hayes

Heavy sweating at the gym is normal but excessive sweating at the office or out on a date isn't normal. In medical terms, excessive sweating is known as hyperhidrosis and sees victims sweat 4-5 times more than usual. Here are five tips to help you manage your sweating and avoid the embarrassment on your forthcoming romantic date or job presentation.

Steer Clear of Caffeine and Spicy Foods

Caffeine and spices might be tasty on your taste buds however they can as well arouse your sweat glands in an awkward way. Basically, they stimulate neurotransmitters known as acetylcholine, which are found in the brain. Anything that arouses these neurotransmitters does actually affect the sweat glands resulting in heavy sweating.

Think Beyond the Armpits

A human being has millions of sweat glands acting as the body's cooling system to prevent an overheating scenario. Note that your face, feet, hands, chest, back as well as groin consist of a high number of sweat glands. Applying antiperspirants on these body parts can help you maintain dryness; however avoid sensitive parts such as your private parts or face.

Apply Antiperspirant at Night  

Sweat production is typically very low at night, allowing the active ingredients found in antiperspirants a good opportunity to penetrate your sweat pores and inhibit sweating in the morning. There's no problem reapplying in the morning, but always ensure that you apply before you sleep to allow for better penetration.

Consider Prescription-level Assistance

Apart from the scorching sunlight or a killer physical exercise, emotions such as anxiety or fear may as well as contribute to heavy sweating. Any efforts you can think of to reduce your fear, including deep breathing among other relaxation practices, will reduce the likelihood arousal of neurotransmitters that may then activate your sweat pores. If you experience heavy sweating when in a tense situation, for instance public speaking, you may think of visiting a doctor who will prescribe for you medicines that may help reduce your perspiration in these kinds of situations.

Surgical Alternatives

If medications and antiperspirants are unable to inhibit the floodgates, consider asking your physician about the possibility of receiving Botox inoculations, which are sanctioned for treating excessive sweating. Other surgical procedures may seek to remove sweat glands in the armpits safely in order to stop heavy underarm perspiration once and for all. Since sweat glands do not regenerate, their removal produces lasting effects. Nevertheless, surgical procedures should be the last resort after trying all the other possible alternatives. For more information, contact Dr Roger Bell
